
🇯🇵 Chie Matsuoka Foundation

在日ムスリムのためのセミナー「日本での出産」 Seminar for Muslims living in Japan “Childbirth in Japan” https://mothers-tree-japan.org/english/workshop/seminar-for-muslims/



〔Foundation license number from the Ministry of Justice in Japan︰No.0400−05ー022478〕





The purpose of our foundation is to contribute to harmony and health for all people around the world through medical care, nursing care, and welfare.


  Initiatives and 
  activities of our
Hospital Service
(Chie-chan Clinic)

Alternative medicine (quantum medicine, quantum life science, traditional/traditional medicine, complementary and alternative therapy)

Medical care based on Indian AYUSH traditional medicine

★Yoga & Naturopathy(ヨガ&ナチュロパシー).

Research, investigation and presentation to contribute to the progress and development of water, crude drugs, herbal medicines, pharmacology, etc.

Providing nursing care facilities and children's hospice retreat houses

Acceptance, training, and grants for international students support from overseas to medical schools and nursing schools. Training of nursing care students and implementation of subsidies support.

Comprehensive support projects for children in medical care, children in children's hospice, children with severe mental and physical disabilities, etc., as well as activities to promote home nursing care for children at home

Other projects listed in the Foundation's Articles of Incorporation

本部事務局 Headquarters secretariat

千葉県市川市湊新田2丁目1番25号 三東第3マンション203号
Santo Dai 3 room Manshon 203, 2-1-25 Minato Shinden, Ichikawa City, Chiba

支部 Branch office

埼玉県東松山市若松町2丁目11番24号 エンゼルハイム東松山508号

Room 508, Angelheim Higashimatsuyama, 2-11-24 Wakamatsucho, Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan


Foundation officer

◆理事長 佐々木浩

Chairman  Hiro Sasaki

◆評議員 委員長 医師 関澤 高夫

Councilor Chairman Takao Sekizawa

◆財団理事 横山 ナディヤ

Foundation Director  Nadiya Yokoyama

◆財団理事 横溝 明日佳

Foundation Director  Asuka Yokomizo

◆財団評議員 石井 真

Foundation Councilor Makoto Ishii

◆財団評議員 バンダリ デビラル

Foundation Councilor
Bhandari Debiral

◆財団監事 佐々木隆子

Foundation Auditor  Takako Sasaki

International Medical Department

⚫️医師      関澤 高夫

Doctor Takao Sekizawa

⚫️保健師 (看護師) 佐々木 万莉子

Public health nurse Mariko Sasaki

⚫️メディカルツーリズム 和氣 文子
Medical Tourism Fumiko Waki

Link リンク



看護学科 保健医療学部 介護学科


★🏥 海外 こども 病院

Introducing overseas children's hospitals

🏥 Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani children’s Hospital https://srisathyasaisanjeevani.org/

🏥 Mata Amritanandamayi Ames Hospital
アムリタ研究所 スーパースペシャリティ病院 『AIMS』
Home Page



Articles of incorporation of our foundation


Research presentation/report/experience

① 水の分子と効果

Water molecules and effects

② 花から抽出(採種)されたCBDの実証

Demonstration of CBD extracted from flowers (seed collection)

③ 生薬・草薬・薬学等の進歩発達に資するための研究及び調査

Research and investigation to contribute to the advancement and development of crude drugs, herbal medicine, pharmaceutical science, etc.

④ 光、音、色、香り、気等 を軸とする波動医学・医療の実証研究及び調査

Demonstration program research on vibrational medicine and medical treatment centered on light, sound, color, scent, air, etc.

⑤ 自然療法医学・自然治癒医療医学・生薬・草薬等自然物を中心とした科学的な方法と応用に関する研究及び調査等

Research and investigation on scientific methods and applications centered on natural products such as naturopathic medicine, natural healing medicine, herbal medicine, herbal medicine, etc.

⑥ 量子医学・インドAYUSH伝承伝統医療医学ならびに古代伝承伝統医学・ホメオパシー・アーユルヴェーダ等を取り入れた子どもにも優しい痛くない医療検証

Child-friendly and painless medical verification that incorporates quantum medicine, Indian AYUSH traditional medicine, ancient traditional medicine, homeopathy, Ayurveda, etc.

⑦ 呼吸法と発声法を基本とした予防医学、予防医療、治療医療の取り組み

Initiatives in preventive medicine, preventive medicine, and therapeutic medicine based on breathing and vocal techniques

⑧ 水を基本軸とした代替医療を用いた妊産婦及び乳幼児の健康の保持研究

Research on preserving the health of pregnant women and infants using water-based alternative medicine



🚑️ A program to popularize, promote, and enhance neonatal doctor cars and dedicated private ambulances for babies

Transport service activities using welfare vehicles

  • 移送サービス〔福祉車両を用いたサービス活動〕活動は、障害(児)者・高齢者等の外出(移動)支援を目的に介護ヘルパー資格を持っボランティア有志にて運営・運行されています。
  • Transportation services [service activities using welfare vehicles] are operated and operated by volunteers with nursing care helper qualifications for the purpose of supporting people with disabilities (children), elderly people, etc. to go out (movement).
  • また、発達障児害、軽度発達障害児者等、障害をもつ子どもたちへの教育支援も行っております。
  • We also provide educational support to children with disabilities, including children with developmental disabilities and mild developmental disabilities.
  • また、国内では、音楽・芸術活動、福祉に関する調査・研究事業、教育活動、福祉車両の開発、国際理解に関する教育・研究・調査、生涯教育・生涯学習、母子保健活動、災害救援活動など、幅広い活動を展開しています。
  • In addition, our domestic activities include a wide range of activities, including music and art activities, welfare-related research and research projects, educational activities, development of welfare vehicles, education, research and research related to international understanding, lifelong education and lifelong learning, maternal and child health activities, and disaster relief activities.

News letter

大臣 プラディップ保健・人口大臣 (厚生省大臣)との会合

🇳🇵 Meeting with the Nepali Minister for Health and Population Pradip,
『Ministry of Health and Welfare, regarding pediatric cancer treatment in Nepal』
Meeting with the Nepali Minister for Health and Population Pradip, Minister of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health and Welfare, regarding pediatric cancer treatment in Nepal, pediatric hospice in Japan, and women’s cancer.

  • 🇳🇵🏥 🇯🇵
  • 日本人医師とネパール人医師による新たなチームを構築します。
  • 🏥 👨‍⚕️We will build a new team of Japanese doctors and Nepali doctors.
  • 🏥 👩‍⚕️🩸日本人看護師とネパール人看護師による新たなチームを構築します。
  • 👩‍⚕️🩸We will build a new team of Japanese nurses and Nepali nurses.

💝 👶👧👦
💗 May love and kindness reach all children 💕💝


Alternative Medicine Children’s Medical Hospital Research Institute

CEO, Hiro Sasaki

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